
Analysis of the Current Market for Edible Rosin Resin

----Mr.Xie Jin Jian

  Guangdong West Tech Chemical Co., Ltd.

Edible Resin

Main Components: High quality Gum Rosin and Turpentine

Main Component in the Gum Base for Chewing Gum and Bubble Gum

Uses: Flavor. Beverage Emulsion Stabilizer, Food packaging Tackifier

Edible Resin Market

Global Demand : ~80, 000 tonnes

China manufactures ~32, 000 tonnes (~40%)

In 2011, China’s Edible Resin Production Capacity reached 92, 000 tonnes (Over production of ~65%)

Edible Resin Safety

In order to lower costs, some manufacturers do not adhere to Food Safety Regulation Laws during Production

We recommend Edible Resin manufacturers to have integrity, and remember their obligation and responsibility to consumers, and so to comply with Food Safety Regulations during Production

We appeal to Food Safety Regulation Authorities to strengthen supervision measures to ensure food safety


1. Types and Uses of Edible Resin

Applications of Edible Resin

•    Main Component in the Gum base for Chewing Gum and Bubble Gum

•    Thickener for Beverages

•    Flavoring for Emulsification

•    Food Packaging, Adhesives for Medical Use, Depilatory Wax etc.


2. Analysis of the Current Edible Resin Production and its Needs

1). Edible Resin Manufacturers in China

Currently there are 17 Manufacturers

The Larger Manufacturers include: 

·West Tech Chemical Co., Ltd.

·Forestar Chemical Co., Ltd.

·Wuzhou Cafosa Gum Ltd.

·Wuzhou Sun Shine Forestry & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Of Guangxi

·Wuxi Xinda Plastic & Rosin Co., Ltd.

2). Major Foreign Manufacturers and Production Output

·Major Foreign Edible Rosin Resin Manufacturers Include:

·Eastman (Holland)

·Dérivés Résiniques et Terpéniques, DRT (France)


Their Production Output accounts for more than 50% of Global Production.


3. Problems that the Edible Resin Industry in China face

1).Huge Excess in Production Capacity,Serious Shortage in the Utilization of Capacity

2). Some manufacturers do not have the required license to begin production, as they do not meet the requirements according to National Food Safety Regulation Laws.

Although these manufacturers’ production costs are lower, the quality and safety of their products is not guaranteed.

3). In order to lower costs or participate in dumping, some factories use lower-grade Rosin (possibly including heavy metals and harmful substances) and non-Edible Glycerine for Production.

   Other factories do not adhere to Edible Produce Safety Regulation Laws during production. For example, using non-Edible Resin for the production of Edible Resin.


4. Conclusion and Recommendations

1). Edible Resin Manufacturers must be qualified

·Edible Produce/Production  Certification; Licenses for the Production of Edible Products and Additives.

·Factories that have a specialized Production Line and Packaging Unit.

·Factories should also contain the raw materials required and a warehouse for the storage of products.

·Strict Quality Control

2).In running their company, purchasing and production, manufacturers should strictly adhere to Food Production Laws. They should possess discipline, integrity, remember their responsibility to the society, and strive to uphold their corporate image, and that of the industry and country.

3). Relevant authorities are encouraged to tighten supervision measures and increase law enforcement. Buyers and Consumers are advised to carry out strict quality assessments on their (potential) suppliers. They should not, for selfish gain, engage in businesses that might endanger public health, but instead boycott imitations/fake products.

4).The main components of Edible Resin are Rosin and Turpentine. It is important to avoid huge price fluctuations of these raw materials, and to allow manufacturers and down-market buyers to have certain profit margins.

This will ensure the quality of Edible Resin, and help to stabilize the demand in the Rosin market.

Ultimately, it will result in a win-win situation for Rosin and Resin manufacturers, and down-market buyers/consumers.
